Hmmm well I am still trying to keep this blogging thing alive, so i will update a little. Bailee has a cough :( hopefully nothing to big or long lasting, just an annoying cough so far! I have been in such a baking mood lately!! I dont know what to bake, so any suggestions are welcome!!
So here is where i will announce my LOVE for my DVR. Yes this sounds like words of a big lazy person, which i dont consider myself, but really! that is the best thing ever! I can record my shows ( BIggest Loser, 24, The Amazing Race, etc.) then i can watch them when i want, fast forward through the commercials, and rewind and watch any of it again!! AMAZING! Side note on how awesome it is, we have the works cable package ( nearly 200 dollars a month) but its free for us because Bran works for Comcast.... well now you know, i love my DVR! If you dont have one... GET ONE! :)
Here are some pictures, just all random ones :)

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