Sunday, February 22, 2009

The amazing Wii Fit

Ok so Bailee is officially sick BOO! She has a nasty cough and you can hear her sore throat! So SAD but she is a champ and has been pretty good for the most part. She actually loves the wii fit!! We got a few pictures of her, some of the games she is pretty good at too! Here are a few of her pictures, being sick and still rockin the Wii fit haha

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hmmm well I am still trying to keep this blogging thing alive, so i will update a little. Bailee has a cough :( hopefully nothing to big or long lasting, just an annoying cough so far! I have been in such a baking mood lately!! I dont know what to bake, so any suggestions are welcome!!

So here is where i will announce my LOVE for my DVR. Yes this sounds like words of a big lazy person, which i dont consider myself, but really! that is the best thing ever! I can record my shows ( BIggest Loser, 24, The Amazing Race, etc.) then i can watch them when i want, fast forward through the commercials, and rewind and watch any of it again!! AMAZING! Side note on how awesome it is, we have the works cable package ( nearly 200 dollars a month) but its free for us because Bran works for Comcast.... well now you know, i love my DVR! If you dont have one... GET ONE! :)

Here are some pictures, just all random ones :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

What kinda parents are we?!

Ok.... So here is my story for the day, as you all know Bailee is tiny right? She is not even on the charts for height or weight... BUT she is very healthy, and extremely happy! ( so no comments on if i feed her or not haha) So she is almost 18 months and still in her rear facing car seat ( note to those who dont know but a good average is about a year and your kids are in a front facing one) Due to Bailees weight she was not heavy enough to get on one yet BUT........................................... SHE IS ALMOST 20 LBS!!! so we ventured out and bought one today FINALLY. They lady at the store looked at me like, "your 18 month old is in a rear facing??" I wanted to take my shoe off and throw in between her beady eyes!! But a happy ending to my story is Bailee now has a front facing car seat ( with a cup holder that makes her feel SO big!) I will get pictures up soon of how little she looks in her new seat..... she looks adorable in it!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Umm, Take Two?! ...maybe?

Ok so obviously my genius plan to start blogging regularly didn't happen as planned... but here i am back at it maybe ( no promises). I don't even know where to start, I can catch you up on some of whats goin on in life, Bran works at Comcast now, which is a REALLY good job! AMAZING benefits! Free Cable, Internet, and phone. He gets a truck computer, they pay for gas, so ya its been good, he enjoys it for the most part, his hours are different because he doesn't just get off at 5 he gets off when his jobs are done.

I am just a mom, that cant stop laughing at our little Bailee! She is such a fire cracker, and so much like me its scary! I am not one to talk about me much so i am going to jump straight to Bailee.

Well since its been nearly a year, She is talking, walking, throwing attitude and has more love for Mickey Mouse then any 18 month old i have ever seen! Her first word ( besides Daddy) was no lie, sucks... THANK YOU! I take full responsibility for this one.. You never realize how much babies and kids pick up everything you do and say. So i was on the phone, to who knows who? and said "oh, that sucks" Bailee looks at me, tilts her head to the left and says " sucks" I of course bust up laughing ( note to new moms, don't laugh when this happens) she then sees how funny it is, so walks around saying sucks, sucks, sucks. Well a few days go by and she stopped saying it, so the cable guy comes over to install our stuff, he happens to come during our morning ritual of Mickey Mouse... so Bailee is sitting on the couch in her pajamas ( remember she looks like a 6 month old) the guy proceeds to turn the channel/input, Bailee looks at me, looks at him throws her hands in the air and says "Dat Sucks!!" the cable guy looks at me, trying not to laugh and is completely freaked out by my "6 month" old daughter telling him he sucks. SOOO many more good stories but i will end there with her. I will get some pictures up too, and try to get in a routine of this blogging thing!