Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Back talking at the ripe ol' age of... 20 MONTHS?!

Yes its true... Bailee is back talking ALREADY!! lol its soo cute though, when she does, All I can do is laugh!! Give it a few more weeks and I am sure my blog will change! :) I will try to get a video of it, but it all started last week when Bran had a can of coke, and he she went to go try to pick it up, he sees her eyeing it, so he grabs it and says, " I don't think so.." :) Bailee looks at him points her finger at him, and says to him even LOUDER!! ... " I DONT THINK SO" Lol I was DYING honestly one of the funniest things, she looks like she is maybe a year old, so to hear her back talking is awesome!! Luckily it hasnt been towards me yet, just her dad, but again she did it to him tonight at dinner! CLASSIC!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Ok so its been like 3 weeks.. which for me isnt bad!! YAHOO for me! Well last weekend was busy, we had Kathys baby shower.. super fun! ( and she hardly looks pregnant?!)It was so good to see some old friends and catch up on everyones crazy busy lives! Now we have to find a way to get Kathy and Levi to move back to Utah!!

Also it was Easter! We had a blast! Bailee was older this year so it made it way more fun! She was kinda creeped out when we tried to tell her about the Easter Bunny coming into our house, but she was cool with the basket she earned!!

We went to church with my family, and Bailee slept through Sacrament?! It was kinda nice to get to listen to all the talks, but i did miss sharing some snacks with her! ;)

Also this week ParTIES to DYE for hosted there first Tie Dye party!! It was so fun, and SOO crazy. We had about 20 or so kids! Chan SAVED my life by coming to help out! and now we have some new ideas to improve even more!
Now it is Thursday.. well Friday at 2:33 a.m., and there is freaking snow outside!! Wanna know how to make me mad?! FREAKING SNOW IN APRIL!! Good thing its supposed to get into the 70's next week! Ok i hate typing, I just finished tie dying 2 shirts ( 2 new designs I have never attempted before!) and i am exhausted! Here are some pictures from Easter and the last few weeks....